Thursday, 28 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
S.African innovator takes water out of showering
By Enos Phosa, Reuters
(Reuters) - With inspiration from a friend too lazy to take a shower and a few
months of research on the Internet, South African university student Ludwick
Marishane has won global recognition for an invention that takes the water out
of bathing.
Marishane, a 22-year-old
student at the University of Cape Town student invented a product called DryBath,
a clear gel applied to skin that does the work of water and soap.
The invention, which won
Marishane the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award, has wide
applications in Africa and other parts of the developing world where basic
hygiene is lacking and hundreds of millions of people do not have regular
access to water.
The product differs from the
anti-bacterial hand washes by eliminating the heavy alcohol smell. It creates
an odourless, biodegradable cleansing film with moisturisers.
He came up with the idea as a
teenager in his poor rural home in the winter when a friend of his said bathing
was too much of a bother, made all the worse by a lack of hot water.
"He was lazy and he
happened to say, 'why doesn't somebody invent something that you can just put
on your skin and you don't have to bathe'," said Marishane.
It was his "eureka"
He then used his web-enabled
mobile phone to search through Google and Wikipedia in pursuit of a formula.
Six months later, he came up with DryBath and a obtained a patent.
The product is now manufactured
commercially with clients including major global airlines for use on long-haul
flights and governments for its soldiers in the field.
Marishane also sees it helping
conserve water in the poorest parts of the world.
will go a long way in helping communities".
Friday, 15 June 2012
Bajeti Tanzania
From Mwananchi
Thursday, 14 June 2012 22:03 |
Dodoma SERIKALI jana ilitangaza Bajeti ya Sh15trilioni kwa mwaka wa fedha 2012/2013 ambayo pamoja na mambo mengine, imelenga kudhibiti mfumuko wa bei kwa kutangaza kutoa vibali vya kuingiza chakula kutoka nje, huku ikiwabana matajiri kwa kuongeza kodi ya bidhaa zisizokuwa za lazima. Akisoma bajeti hiyo bungeni Dodoma jana, Waziri wa Fedha, Dk William Mgimwa alitangaza pia kwamba Serikali imepanua wigo wa Kodi ya Mishahara (Paye) na sasa itawagusa wafanyakazi wenye kipato cha kuanzia Sh170,000 badala ya Sh135,000 ya awali, huku ikirejesha mafunzo ya Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa (JKT) kwa kutenga Sh7 bilioni kwa ajili ya kuchukua vijana 5,000. Dk Mgimwa katika Bajeti hiyo pia alitangaza ongezeko la kodi za bidhaa mbalimbali, ikiwamo, bia, soda, sigara, juisi zinazoingizwa kutoka nje huku ikifuta msamaha wa ushuru wa bidhaa kwa magari kwa wote waliokuwa wananufaika na msamaha huo. Alifafanua kwamba kodi ya vinywaji baridi imepanda kutoka Sh69 kwa lita hadi Sh83 na mvinyo unaotengenezwa kwa zabibu inayozalishwa nchini kwa kiwango kinachozidi asilimia 75, imeshuka kutoka Sh425 kwa lita hadi 145 kwa lita. Kodi ya mvinyo unaotengenezwa kwa zabibu inayozalishwa nje ya nchi kwa kiwango kinachozidi asilimia 25, imepanda kutoka Sh1,345 kwa lita hadi 1,614 kwa lita. Alisema kodi ya vinywaji vikali imepanda kutoka Sh1,993 kwa lita hadi Sh2,392 kwa lita, bia inayotengenezwa nchini kwa nafaka na ambayo haijaoteshwa, kodi yake imepanda kutoka Sh248 kwa lita hadi Sh310 kwa lita. Bia nyingine zote kodi imepanda kutoka Sh420 hadi Sh525 kwa lita. Akizungumzia marekebisho ya ushuru kwenye bidhaa za sigara, Dk Mgimwa alisema zote zisizo na kichungi na zinazotengenezwa kwa tumbaku inayozalishwa nchini, kiwango cha angalau asilimia 75, kodi imepanda kutoka Sh6,820 hadi Sh 8,210 kwa sigara 1,000. Alisema Sigara zenye kichungi na zinazotengenezwa kwa tumbaku inayopatikana nchini kwa kiwango cha angalau asilimia 75, kodi imepanda kutoka Sh16,114 hadi Sh19,410 na sigara nyingine zenye sifa tofauti na makundi hayo, kodi imepanda kutoka Sh29,264 hadi Sh35,117 kwa sigara 1,000. Alisema tumbaku ambayo ipo tayari kutengenezwa sigara (cut filler) kodi yake imepanda kutoka Sh14,780 hadi Sh17,736 kwa bunda la sigara 1,000 wakati ushuru wa cigars unabaki kuwa asilimia 30. Gharama za simu juu Katika bajeti hiyo, Waziri Dk Mgimwa alisema muda wa maongezi (airtime) kwenye simu za mkononi umeongezeka kutoka asilimia 10 hadi 12. Alisema lengo la hatua hiyo ni kuoanisha ushuru wa bidhaa unaotozwa na huduma hiyo katika nchi za Jumuiya ya Afrika ya Mashariki (EAC), kwa kipindi hiki ambacho nchi zipo katika Soko la Pamoja. Alisema hatua hizo za ongezeko la ushuru wa bidhaa kwa pamoja, zinatarajiwa kuongeza mapato ya Serikali kwa kiasi cha Sh144,054.9 milioni. Misamaha ya kodi ya magari Waziri huyo alipendekeza kufanyika marekebisho kwenye sheria husika za kodi ya matangazo ya Serikali yanayotoa msamaha wa kodi kwenye magari kwa walengwa mbalimbali ili kuweka ukomo wa umri wa miaka minane kwa magari hayo badala ya miaka 10. Alisema magari yenye umri wa zaidi ya miaka minane yatatozwa ushuru wa bidhaa wa asilimia 20. Lengo la hatua hiyo ni kupunguza wimbi la uingizaji magari chakavu na kulinda mazingira. Alitangaza pia marekebisho katika ushuru wa forodha, ikiwemo kufuta msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha katika vitu mbalimbali vikiwemo magari yenye ujazo wa CC 3000 huku pia ushuru wa forodha ukifutwa katika bidhaa nyingine nyingi muhimu. Alisema katika kuhamasisha na kuchochea ukuaji wa sekta ya ufugaji wa nyuki, vifaa vinavyotumika katika ufugaji na kurina asali vimepewa msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha vinavyoingizwa kutoka nje ya nchi na wafugaji wa nyuki. Alisema msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha kwenye migahawa ya majeshi ya ulinzi utaendelea kutolewa kwa kipindi cha mwaka mmoja. Alisema kumefanyika marekebisho katika Sheria ya Forodha ya Jumuiya ya Afrika ya Mashariki ya mwaka 2004 ili kutoa msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha kwa wazalishaji wa vyakula vinavyotengenezwa mahsusi kwa lishe ya watoto wenye utapiamlo na watu wanaoishi na Virusi Vya Ukimwi. Alisema kuwa katika Bajeti hiyo, pia wametoa msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha kwenye malighafi zinazotumika katika kutengeneza vifaa vya kufanyia uchunguzi wa magonjwa (medical diognastic kits) kwa kuwa vifaa hivyo hutozwa asilimia sifuri vinapoagizwa kutoka nje ya nchi. Katika marekebisho hayo, utatolewa msamaha kwenye mitambo (machinery) na vipuri vyake vinavyotumika kwenye uchimbaji wa madini lakini hautahusisha vipuri vya magari vitakavyoagizwa na makampuni yanayojihusisha na uchimbaji wa madini. Katika bajeti hiyo, pia umetolewa msamaha wa ushuru wa forodha kwenye vyuma vinavyowekwa kwenye kingo za barabara na lengo lake ni kutoa unafuu katika ujenzi wa miundombinu ya barabara. Alisema ushuru wa forodha umepunguzwa kwa ving’amuzi kutoka asilimia 25 hadi asilimia sifuri ili kuwezesha mabadiliko katika teknolojia ya analogia na kwenda katika teknologia ya digitali. Alisema katika Bajeti hiyo, pia ushuru wa ngano umeondolewa kuwa asilimia 0 badala ya asilimia 35 Alisema Serikali pia imesamehe VAT katika mashine za kutolea stakabadhi (electronic fiscal devices), ili kupunguza bei yake na kuwezesha wafanyabiashara wengi kuwa nazo, kuhamasisha matumizi yake na hivyo, kuongeza mapato ya Serikali. Katika eneo hilo, Serikali imeondoa VAT kwa vifaa mbalimbali vya kuhifadhia, kusafirisha na kusambaza gesi asilia ili kuongeza matumizi ya nishati hiyo katika sekta mbalimbali za kiuchumi, kwenye magari, majumbani na viwandani. Kodi kwa wafanyabiashara Wafanyabiashara ambao mapato yao hayazidi Sh3,000,000 hawatalipa kodi kuanzia Julai Mosi, mwaka huu. Dk Mgimwa alisema mpango huo umefanywa kulinda mapato ya Serikali. Kabla ya msamaha huo, wafanyabiashara hao ambao mapato yao hayazidi Sh3,000,000 walikuwa wanalipa Sh35,000. Marekebisho mengine ya kodi ya mapato ni kuwa wenye mapato kati ya Sh3 milioni –Sh7.5 milioni watalipa Sh100,000 badala ya Sh95,000. Malengo ya Bajeti Waziri Mgimwa alisema Bajeti hiyo imejielekeza katika Kukuza Pato la Taifa kwa asilimia 6.8 mwaka 2012 ikilinganishwa na ukuaji wa asilimia 6.4 mwaka 2011. Malengo mengine ni kuimarisha miundombinu ya uchumi, ikijumuisha umeme, barabara, reli na bandari, kuongeza upatikanaji wa huduma za kifedha na kuongezeka kwa mapato ya ndani yatakayofikia uwiano na Pato la Taifa wa asilimia 18 kwa mwaka 2012/13 kulinganisha na mwelekeo wa asilimia 16.9 mwaka 2011/12. Dk Mgimwa alitaja malengo mengine kuwa ni pamoja na kuendelea kudhibiti mfumuko wa bei ili urudi kwenye viwango vya tarakimu moja na kuwa na kiwango tengemavu cha ubadilishaji wa fedha kitakachotokana na mwenendo wa soko la fedha. Malengo mengine ni kukuza mikopo kwa sekta binafsi kwa kiwango cha asilimia 20 ya Pato la Taifa ifikapo mwishoni mwa Juni 2013, sambamba na jitihada za kudhibiti mfumuko wa bei, kuboresha mazingira ya wafanyabiashara wadogo na wa kati, kulinda na kuendeleza mafanikio yaliyopatikana katika sekta za huduma za jamii, kuimarisha utawala bora na uwajibikaji na kujenga uwezo wa nchi kukabiliana na misukosuko ya kiuchumi na kifedha pamoja na kushiriki kwa ufanisi katika ushirikiano kikanda na kimataifa. Matumizi ya Maendeleo Kuhusu matumizi ya maendeleo, Waziri Mgimwa alisema itazingatia vipaumbele vya miundombinu ya umeme - mkazo ukiwa upatikanaji wake kwa kuongeza uzalishaji, usafirishaji na usambazaji na jumla Sh498.9 bilioni zimetengwa. Serikali pia itatekeleza mradi wa ujenzi wa bomba la gesi kutoka Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam kwa mkopo kutoka Benki ya Exim ya China wenye thamani ya Dola za Marekani 1.2 milioni utakaosimamiwa na TPDC. Kuhusu usafirishaji na uchukuzi, alisema mkazo katika sekta hiyo utakuwa ni kuimarisha reli ya kati ikijumuisha ukarabati wa injini na mabehewa ya treni. “Kwa upande wa barabara, miradi inayopewa kipaumbele ni pamoja na barabara zenye kufungua fursa za kiuchumi. Katika usafiri wa anga na majini, miradi itakayotekelezwa ni pamoja na ujenzi na ukarabati wa viwanja vya ndege na uendelezaji wa gati ya Ziwa Tanganyika. Jumla ya Sh 1,382.9 bilioni zimetengwa katika eneo hili,” alisema. Kuhusu maji safi na salama, alisema lengo ni - kuongeza upatikanaji wake mijini na vijijini na kwamba kiasi cha Sh568.8 bilioni kimetengwa. Kwa upande wa kilimo, uvuvi na ufugaji alisema katika sekta hizo, Serikali kwa kushirikiana na sekta binafsi itawekeza katika kilimo cha mpunga na miwa katika mabonde makuu ya Wami, Ruvu, Kilombero na Malagarasi pamoja na kuongeza tija na thamani, kubadilisha mfumo wa kilimo na kukuza kilimo cha misitu. Kuhusu kuongeza uzalishaji wa mazao ya chakula pamoja na kuhakikisha uhakika wa chakula, Serikali itaimarisha utekelezaji wa dhana ya Kilimo Kwanza kwa kuhakikisha nguzo zake zote zinaendelea kuzingatiwa. Alisema mikoa inatakiwa kuendelea kutenga ardhi na vijiji kutakiwa kupima na kurasimisha ardhi kwa ajili ya wawekezaji wa ndani na wa nje na kwamba kiasi cha Sh192.2 bilioni kimetengwa katika eneo hilo. Ikizungumzia maendeleo ya viwanda, alisema Serikali inakusudia kuendeleza viwanda vinavyotumia malighafi zinazopatikana nchini; viwanda vinavyoongeza thamani ya madini; viwanda vikubwa vya saruji na viwanda vya eletroniki na Tehama pamoja na kuboresha mazingira ya biashara na kutenga maeneo maalumu ya uwekezaji mijini na vijijini na kukuza ubia kati ya sekta ya umma na sekta binafsi. |
The most dangerous cities in America, 2012
By Michael B. Sauter, Douglas A. McIntyre,
Ashley C. Allen, Alexander E. M. Hess, Lisa Nelson and Samuel Weigley | 24/7
Wall – Tue, Jun 12, 2012 3:07 PM EDT
data shows that violent crime rates are improving across America, but among
cities with the highest crime problems, murder rates continued to rise in 2011.
The FBI finds that violent crime dropped 4% in 2011, compared with a 5.5% drop
in 2010. Nationally, the murder rate fell 1.9% from 2010, and robbery, forcible
rape and assault fell 4% each.
Yet a 24/7 Wall St. review of 2011 FBI crime data shows that violent crime rose in more than half of the cities that have among the highest rates in the country. In seven of the 10 cities, murder rates increased. In eight of the 10, burglary went up.
See full report: The most dangerous cities in America.
Yet a 24/7 Wall St. review of 2011 FBI crime data shows that violent crime rose in more than half of the cities that have among the highest rates in the country. In seven of the 10 cities, murder rates increased. In eight of the 10, burglary went up.
See full report: The most dangerous cities in America.
Strained budgets are forcing police layoffs that many cities cannot afford to make. More than half of local police departments that responded to a national survey reported cuts in the 2011 fiscal year, according to the Police Executive Research Forum, an organization of police executives from across the country. Many are cutting police forces through planned layoffs and attrition. More than half of the cities with the highest violent crime rates are cutting law enforcement budgets and police forces as well. However, unlike the national picture, the situation is worse for these cities, which depend on tax bases that are shrinking faster than most.
While the Detroit Police Department reported no budget cuts for fiscal year 2012, the city is planning a 15% cut next year. Detroit also has one of the highest crime rates in the country.
On its Web site, the FBI cautions against using crime data to compare city violence because rankings tend to be simplistic and ignore factors that influence crime, as well as the different ways crimes are measured and reported. “Data users should not rank locales because there are many factors that cause the nature and type of crime to vary from place to place,” the FBI warns.
Congressional Quarterly, which publishes and analyzes FBI crime statistics each year, referred to crime rate in terms of the “safest” and “most dangerous” cities. However, the publication recently dropped the terms “safe” and “dangerous” because of the concerns of criminologists, Dr. Rachel Boba Santos told 24/7 Wall St.
Despite these objections, Dr. Boba Santos said the data is useful to get a feel for the needs of a particular community and to look at a specific city’s trends on a year-over-year basis. She said the data also is used at the federal level to determine funding resources for different communities, comparing crime rates.
Based on the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, 24/7 Wall St. identified the 10 U.S. cities with populations of 100,000 or more with the highest rates of violent crime per 1,000 residents. Using the estimated populations and crime incidents from UCR, which measures incidents of eight types of violent and nonviolent crime for 2011, 24/7 Wall St. calculated the incidence of the four types of violent crime per 1,000 persons for that year: murder, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In addition to crime data, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed median income and poverty rates for these cities from the U.S. Census Bureau for 2010, the most recent available year. We also included average 2011 unemployment rates for these cities, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
These are the five cities with the highest rates of violent crime.
5. Memphis, Tenn.
Violent crimes per 1,000: 15.8
Population: 652,725
2011 murders: 117
Median income: $37,045
Unemployment rate: 11.1%
In 2011, Memphis defied the national trend of declining crime rates in major U.S. cities. The rate of violent crimes per 1,000 people increased, from 15.4 to 15.8. This was the product of increases in murders, which rose from 89 to 117 cases, and aggravated assault incidents, which rose by 100 cases. A rising unemployment rate, which grew 1.2% to 11.1% in 2011, likely has not helped to reduce criminal behavior.
4. Oakland, Calif.
Violent crimes per 1,000: 16.8
Population: 395,317
2011 murders: 104
Median income: $49,190
Unemployment rate: 15.6%
Oakland historically has been among the most crime-ridden cities in California, with a violent crime rate this year of 16.8 per 1,000 people. There were 14 more murders in 2011 than in 2010, causing Oakland to maintain the ninth-highest murder rate in the country two years in a row. Oakland is the number one city for both robbery and motor vehicle theft rates in the country. Oakland city councilmember Desley Brooks, who wants to allocate $11 million in revenue to the police force, acknowledges the increased violent crime, saying, “we cannot ignore that we have had an increase in violent crime, and so we cannot continue to do the same thing the same way and expect that it’s going to be a different result.”
3. St. Louis, Mo.
Violent crimes per 1,000: 18.6
Population: 320,454
2011 murders: 113
Median income: $32,688
Unemployment rate: 11.7%
Although the total number of murders in the city has decreased by 31 since 2010, crime in St. Louis did not improve overall last year. Violent crime rates in St. Louis have risen dramatically, from 17.5 to 18.6 cases per 1,000 people. And the city’s murder rate is still the fourth highest in the nation, its robbery rate is the fifth highest in the nation and its aggravated assault rate is third highest in the nation. Despite these troubling facts, the St. Louis Police Department recently faced potentially drastic budget cuts that may require the elimination of 100 street-patrolling officer positions through attrition.
2. Detroit, Mich.
Violent crimes per 1,000: 21.4
Population: 713,239
2011 murders: 344
Median income: $25,787
Unemployment rate: 19.9%
Long regarded as one of the poorest cities in the U.S., with a 32.3% poverty rate and nearly 20% unemployment in 2010, Detroit has the second-highest violent crime rate in the country. Homicide increased by 11% in 2011, while robbery and aggravated assault are fourth and second highest in the country, respectively.
In response to an 18% decrease in the Detroit police budget, which will result in the elimination of 380 positions through attrition and early retirement, the city has begun taking steps to decrease police funding by introducing “Virtual Precincts.” The plan, which closes police stations between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m, requires citizens to report non-emergency crime to a call center, and frees up more patrol officers to respond to 911 emergency calls.
1. Flint, Mich.
Violent crimes per 1,000: 23.4
Population: 102,357
2011 murders: 52
Median income: $22,672
Unemployment rate: 18.9%
According to the FBI, no city with more than 100,000 residents had a higher violent crime rate than Flint. In 2011, there were 2,392 incidents of violent crime in Flint, which has a population just above 100,000. That same year, there were just 1,246 violent crimes in all 10 of the safest cities in America — which have 13 times as many residents as Flint among them. Flint has the second-highest murder rate and the highest rates of aggravated assault, burglary and arson in the nation. According to Flint Mayor Dayne Walling, “there are too many guns on the street and it’s easy for individuals with evil motives to take another human being’s life.”
Though the violent crime has long been a problem in Flint, in 2010 the city laid off 20 of its 140 police officers, a decision that diminished both the police’s street presence and response times to crime.
Click here to see the full list of the most dangerous cities in America.
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